Letter from Brasília summarizes demands from sugarcane producers discussed during two days of event

Photo: Disclosure After two days of forums and panels that discussed the future of sugarcane in Brazil and the world, the Cana Summit ended with the launch of the Brasília/DF Charter. The document prepared by Orplana (Organization of Sugarcane Producers Associations in Brazil), organizer of the event, points out important guidelines for the political authorities of the three spheres - Federal, State and Municipal - aiming at the recognition of sugarcane producers and their inclusion in policies public sector.  “With this event we are raising the flag in Brasília and showing the strength of the producer and to conclude, we have prepared this letter of intent to the government that brings together Orplana’s desires and the demands of sugarcane producers, who must lead this entire process”, he reveals. the CEO of Orplana, José Guilherme Nogueira (in the center of the photo).  The Cana Summit took place on April 10th and 11th, at the CICB (Brazilian International Convention Center) in Brasília and brought together 500 participants and more than 30 guests, including industry leaders, guests and politicians. The opening was attended by the vice-president and minister of Development, Industry, Commerce and Services, Geraldo Alckmin, and the minister of Agriculture and Livestock, Carlos Fávaro, who promised to work in favor of ethanol.  In fact, one of the topics of the Brasília Charter focuses on the inclusion of producers of raw materials for Biofuels in all public policies aimed at the sector and also asks state governments to create joint communication and marketing actions encouraging the use of ethanol.  Sector claims  In the letter produced by Orplana, there are ten demands from the sector raised during discussions at the event, ranging from the request for immediate inclusion of producers in RenovaBio (National Biofuels Policy), participation in the transfer of ICMS credits granted, the receipt of tax incentives and equalization of the price of gasoline with the international market price.  “They are all relevant topics, but I highlight those that aim at producer remuneration. We are asking for the immediate inclusion of producers in RenovaBio and the awareness of governments in the transfer of ICMS credits granted. These are measures that make a difference in improving the lives of sugarcane producers”, highlights Nogueira.  The document presented at the end of the program, in addition to being delivered to federal and state executive and legislative authorities present at the event, will be forwarded in the coming days to sector bodies, unions and government officials.  Letter from BrasíliaAgenda for the Federal, State and Municipal Public Sector  1 – Equalize the price of gasoline with the international market price. 2 – Immediate inclusion of sugarcane producers in RenovaBio. 3 – Stimulation of Embrapa in specific sugarcane programs together with other research institutes. 4 – Dissemination of payments for environmental services already performed and immediate encouragement of application within city halls. 5 – Joint communication and marketing action with state governments, encouraging the use of ethanol. 6 – Raising awareness among state governments with the transfer of ICMS credits granted to sugarcane producers. 7 – Maintain and strengthen the link between cooperatives and associations in the defense and development of sugarcane producers. 8 – Seek to be covered by incentives and tax credits passed on to industrial units that have not reached producers. 9 – Include the producer of raw materials for Biofuel in all public policies aimed at the sector. 10 – Fight against laws and actions tha

Letter from Brasília summarizes demands from sugarcane producers discussed during two days of event
Photo: Disclosure After two days of forums and panels that discussed the future of sugarcane in Brazil and the >>>

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